JackRoth, London,4 hours ago
Interesting to see the 'useful idiots' onhere defending 'western capitalism' The whole concept of employment is just amedieval trick designed to prevent the regime-changing solidarity that outrightslavery would have generated. And the trick continues to work to this very day.
FeatherBoa, Leicester, 4 hours ago
Someone please tell these scientists thatthe difference between wheat farming and rice farming is machinery. Before thethreshing machine and other farming machinery was invented, the whole communitywould have been involved in farming, especially in harvesting wheat. The factthat very little help is needed on modern, mechanised farms has changed thenature and culture of farming. it's a much lonelier life than it would havebeen 150 years ago.
Truthseeker, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
The points you make are sensible, howeverthe point the article didn't make clear is that growing rice involves workingcollectively over months after month, whereas wheat growing in the westrequired working together for much shorter periods in the year. It is thisongoing need to work day after day that bred the more collective approachwhilst here in the west it makes for a more individualistic approach. Howeverwe see it - these are just ideas and theories and any idea can be refuted.
ComteDeLaFere,Midwest, United States, 4 hours ago
"Wheat farmers, in contrast, rely onrain and operate more independently"... Sometimes I think these peoplejust make things up out of thin air. Go read about what rural life was beforethe mechanized era of combines and harvesters. Read Novels by British LaureateThomas Hardy or French man Emile Zola who both wrote about rural life, and youwill see that not a single farmer could get his crop in the ground or get hisharvest up without the aid of the entire community around him. They werecompletely interdependent and the entire community relied on each other orthere would be no harvest. This study is complete nonsense.
Trudi,Worcester, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Capitalist societies are not individualist.Of course we cooperate. If we didn't have people serving petrol, canning bakedbeans or knocking up speculative housing, other people wouldn't be free to'think, analyse' or anything else. We'd all be spending our time scraping thebasics. The only real difference between East and West is the demand forentertainment. Carbohydrates indeed.
THED,New York, United States, 5 hours ago
I like rice and wheat. :)
LeeW,Fylde Coast, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
"To test their theory, the scientistsassessed known measures of individualism and collectivism in 1,000 people fromdifferent regions of Chinawhere rice and wheat are grown." Does this mean that we in the West canstop trying to be communist now?
Unguided,Not_Here, United Kingdom,6 hours ago
I prefer rice.
Bonnie,Johannesburg, 6hours ago
Which ever way you try to look at it, thefact is their religion. Pagans in the East and "Christians" in theWest. Christianity is rapidly decreasing.
savepenrhos.co.uk,Holyhead-Anglesey-Wales, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
America is east of China.East and west depends where you start from
ostrichfeather,balington on quayside, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
where did they get wheat for noodles then
savepenrhos.co.uk,Holyhead-Anglesey-Wales, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
They grow wheat in north western China, rice insouthern. You can also make noodles from rice flour.